Unlock the Test's ACT/SAT Tutoring Platform

for Teachers and Professional Tutors

Your Teaching + Our Insights = Teach More, Prep Less

Starting at just $99
Limited offer ends soon!


ACT/SAT tutoring can involve far more than the time spent with a student: manual grading, trying to understand trends in question types, developing practice materials, and keeping up with changes in the tests. But what if you had a partner that increased your insights into each student’s score loss and decreased the time it took to prepare for each student?

  • Easy Homework Submission

  • Instant Analysis of Practice Test & Practice Materials

  • Official Practice Tests & 100s of Practice Set Questions

  • Simple to Teach - Simple to Learn Strategies.

ACT/SAT Tutoring Platform Features Include

  • Register students with previous test scores

  • Analyze previous test day results for new students (for PSAT & reporting SAT & ACTs)

  • 12 official SAT & 9 official ACT sample tests for diagnostic test material

  • Instant grading of student diagnostic results

  • Scaled scores for student diagnostic results

  • Instant analysis of diagnostic results - 2 reports highlight score loss trends

  • Evolving statistical analysis of administered ACT/SATs

  • Teaching materials that respond to score loss trends by identifying common substance or skill gaps

  • Teaching materials that differ for students at different score levels

  • Teaching materials completely customized to ACT vs. SAT instruction

  • Proprietary practice material for students to drill the skills that matter most to them

  • Instant grading of student practice sets

  • Training resources to back our teaching materials, including videos and sample teaching plans

  • Training resources to back our evolving statistical analysis of administered ACT/SATs

  • Group and email based technical and substantive support

  • Tutoring Coach available to answer Q’s about our program or specific student results (additional fee)

Our Program: Simple Visual Cues

Access insights from our test prep program that has been tested for 6 years in 1on1 instruction and at private and public schools, with students seeking Ivy-League admission and those looking for a minimum score to graduate.

The ACT/SAT Tutor platform replicates the score gains of the most expensive boutique test prep firms in two thirds of the time – due to greater efficiencies in our program.

Our Platform: Powerful Data Efficiencies

Analyze your student test results against a host of data:

  • a student’s previous test results, their academic profile

  • historical test trends

  • test data from similar students or cohorts

  • Unlock the Test proprietary test analysis

  • Unlock the Test conditional statements

all to maximize efficiency by identifying a handful of skills that represent outsized score gains for a student.

Your Way: Help Your Students

Focus your time on the most important topic: your students

You set your own rates and can meet with your student for an unlimited number of times per month. Yet, because you do not have to develop practice material, manually grade tests, or stay on top of how the tests change, the subscription plan enables a greater realized tutoring profit.


Up to 3 Students


Up to 6 Students


Up to 15 Students


60 min + Email

I have been using Unlock the Test’s Platform for two years now. I love how it helps me prepare for my tutoring sessions efficiently and effectively. It brings me joy when my students inform me that they have increased their scores. Unlock the Test’’s strategies and technology help me focus on my students!
— Michelle (SAT/ACT Tutor)
Unlock the Test’s online platform allows me to pinpoint what kinds of questions my student is missing, and track their progress over time. Coupled with the strategies, I’m able to formulate a unique plan tailored to a student’s needs quickly and effectively.
— Julia (SAT/ACT Tutor)
Unlock the Test’s exhaustive knowledge of the SAT/ACT formats allows them to provide targeted work for each student. Thank you so much Unlock the Test!
— Becky (Parent)



  • Group Chat to Answer Frequently Asked Questions about our Program

  • Live Tutoring Coach (for additional fee) to answer questions about the program and advise on specific students

  • Tech Support via Email